
Accounting systems for production enterprises are complex software solutions that allow fully optimizing the work of the company: from the smallest production tasks to making management decisions.

The management system helps to formalize and automate each production task separately and arrange them in one coherent chain.

In 1C the workflow can be arranged in such details that it will be clear exactly which employee has a particular task, and what he/she needs for this.

By implementing such solutions, production downtime can be avoided, procurements can be clearly planned, works can be scheduled and greater sales efficiency can be achieved.

Manual accounting and drawing up of documents significantly slows down production.

Just imagine if for each operation you need to manually draw up a specification, control documents, keep an inventory of materials, assess quality, and so on. The accounting system allows automating the preparation of standard documents wherever possible, saving the production process from unnecessary bureaucracy.

Moreover, you can also solve the issue of over-inventory taking and over-control. We are talking about low costs of materials, for example a few drops of glue for packaging or other trifles. If we take into account the consumption of such materials for each production unit, this will greatly complicate the accounting process. For such materials, in a specialized accounting system for production, you can develop models of attributing these costs to the cost price.

Uncontrolled consumption of insignificant materials can lead to thefts that affect most production enterprises. To combat thefts and unjustified write-offs, individual accounting solutions can be developed depending on the specifics of products and materials.

Another key task of the automation of accounting in production is the solution of planning and control issues.

Non-optimized production with poorly arranged accounting and poor planning of working hours leads to losses. This can include uneven workloads on equipment, loss of employees’ working time, possible disruptions of shipments, and other potential inefficiencies. All these are points of growth, by optimizing which you can significantly increase profitability.

Moreover, the 1C configuration for production enables automating the calculation of wages. Production companies often use piecework payment methods, intermittent employment, and complex production bonus systems.

These are all common issues, but each company is individual. Each has different lists of production processes, characteristics of materials and products used, as well as well-established systems for planning and monitoring of works. We will help you to individualize typical 1C solutions for specific needs and issues of your enterprise. Or even develop individual software products built according to the existing production and accounting processes.

Get a free consultation from our specialists on how you can automate and optimize accounting at your enterprise. You just need to leave a request in the feedback form on our website.